Marion International Fellowship

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

The State University of New York at Fredonia is pleased to announce the 10th annual competition for the Marion International Fellowship for the Visual and Performing Arts.  This unique opportunity is established by Cathy and Jesse Marion of Houston, Texas and is administered by in the Fredonia College Foundation at State University of New York at Fredonia. It is designed to support an artistic journey through which a creative project is developed and explored. 

Applicants projects must be inspired by one of the nine theme weeks of the Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, New York.  Preference is given to humanitarian projects that foster positive experiences and outcomes, and have the potential to stimulate initiatives that can inspire improvement of education, nutrition, and healthcare.  Successful projects tend to include more than one art form, and will involve community and audience engagement.

The artistic journey will start at the Chautauqua Institution,  follow to Ucross of Wyoming, and include at least one other of the Circle Member locations mentioned below.  The awardee will then make a final presentation on the campus of the State University of New York at Fredonia.  

Applications will be accepted from January 31st to March 15th, 2022

The Fellowship is administered at SUNY Fredonia by Dr. Sarah Hamilton, Professor of Music.  


Applicants must be current or former affiliates of one or more of the Marion Circle member organizations, in roles such as artistic or professional staff, faculty, fellows, or artists-in-residence.  You may visit Circle Member Eligibility and Resources  on the Fredonia website for more information . If you have additional questions about eligibility, please contact Dr. Hamilton by email at

Award    $18,000

Circle Member Locations

Alberta University of the Arts, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 

Alley Theatre, Houston, TX 

Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY 

Springboard Schools, Abu Sir, Giza, Egypt 

State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY 

Ucross, Clearmont, WY 

Frequently Asked Questions

1.     What does the artistic journey look like and do I have to contact the Circle Members before I submit my application?*

Your application describes the journey you would like to take, explaining the project and how visits to the Circle Members would fit in.  The journey must begin with one week at the Chautauqua Institution, include a 2-week (or more) residency at Ucross Foundation, and conclude with a presentation at the State University of New York at Fredonia.  In between, you must also visit either the Alberta University of the Arts in Calgary or the Alley Theatre in Houston, or it is also possible to visit The Chautauqua Institution or The State University of New York at Fredonia twice. Right now, we are not recommending or supporting travel to the Springboard School in Egypt.  

*In general you do not need to contact the Circle Members before applying, but due to COVID, if you are including The Alley Theatre and/or the Alberta University of the Arts, please do contact these organizations in advance to discuss details before submitting your application. 

2.     How flexible is the itinerary and activity at Circle locations once the fellowship is awarded?

Quite flexible.  We understand that a creative journey may include unexpected turns.  The intention of the Fellowship is that you grow as an artist and that your journey and visits to the Circle member organizations are a part of that growth.  You are responsible for making your arrangements with the Circle members.  There is an expectation that you will stay within your initial budget. While internal prices may vary, the total amount needs to stay the same. 

3.     How are the funds distributed?

In more or less three equal installments.  You will be issued a check for $6,000 at the start of the project.  When you submit expense reports with receipts or invoices for the first $6,000, we will issue a second check for the same amount.  The final installment will be paid at the conclusion of the project.  

4.     How long is the residency at Ucross Foundation?

2 weeks or 4 weeks.  Ucross Foundation blocks residencies in 2-week increments and offers up to 4 weeks for the Marion Fellow.

5.     What expenses are covered by the Circle members and what do I need to include in my budget?  

Please visit the Circle Member Eligibility and Resources on the Fredonia website for more information on Circle Member Resources.

6.     What about collaborators? May we be co-applicants? Do all collaborators need to be visual or performing artists?  May I subcontract?

We do accept co-applicants, but the total amount of personal stipend is limited to $5,000.  The project must be primarily in the visual or performing arts.  A co-applicant could be a writer but the Fellowship is not intended to support a writing project.  You may use the funds to pay assistants as needed, e.g. a videographer, photographer, composer, or for technical assistance.  The arrangements would be entirely between you and the assistant.   They would not be employees of SUNY Fredonia or of the Fredonia College Foundation, nor would we accept any responsibility for your contractual arrangements. 

7.     I’m not sure if I’m eligible to apply.  Where can I find those requirements?

Applicants must be or have been affiliated with one of the Marion Circle organizations.  See Circle Member Eligibility and Resources on our web page for specific eligibility requirements.  If still not sure, contact the institution with which you believe you have the affiliation.

8.     What does the final presentation at Fredonia entail?

At minimum, Fredonia provides a space open to the public for a one-hour lecture/presentation about your creative journey.  This will be scheduled for the fall semester approximately sixteen to eighteen months after the fellowship is awarded.  The presentation may or may not include some or all of a finished product.  Depending on the project, Fredonia will try to accommodate a small exhibition, workshop, or residency but cannot guarantee financial or technical support.  Please budget for travel to Fredonia.  Please see Circle Member Eligibility and Resources for what expenses will be covered while at Fredonia. 

9.     How does the selection process work?

The Fellowship Administrator and a liaison from the Fredonia College Foundation are ex-officio members of the selection process. 

All applications are screened by a representative faculty committee on SUNY Fredonia’s campus. This committee identifies three to five finalists for consideration by the Marion Circle Member organizations who will further reduce them to the top two or three.  Up to three finalists will then be interviewed by SUNY Fredonia administration, including the Provost and applicable directors/deans, who will select the Fellow. Cathy and Jesse Marion have the option of participating in interviews with the finalists.  

10.     What if I have even more questions?

 Contact Dr. Sarah Hamilton, administrator, at The State University of New York at Fredonia: 

Marion International Fellowship